Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Essay --

Brady Fletcher Mrs. Stone Advanced English III 12. Dec. 2013 Robert E. Lee America has had many people that have made a positive difference to this nation by showing perseverance and putting others first for the greater good for the cause. People from low levels of society and from high levels of society have contributed to change this to become great. Robert E. Lee and his family did not enjoy fantastic wealth (â€Å"American Experience†). Robert E. Lee had an impact on this nation from the military standpoint. He had many difficult choices and decisions to make, like to stay with Virginia or to lead the Union Army. Lee served his country with everything he had. He fought on the battlefield, and commanded troops to victories and defeats. Lee never complained about the situation he was in or gave up when the going got tough. How did Robert E. Lee’s successful military career affect his life and how is he considered a prominent figure in American history? Lee didn’t grow up in a real wealthy family although his family held a position in Virginia’s ruling elite. His father Henry Lee, also known as â€Å"Light-Horse Harry,† was a cavalry leader during the Revolutionary war. Like his father, Robert E. Lee also took the military route when he enrolled in the Military Academy at West Point where he rapidly grew in ranks and graduated second in his class of 1829 (â€Å"American Experience†). After graduating from West Point Lee took the job as an officer in the corps of Engineers, where he supervised and inspected the nation’s coastal defenses. Lee did this for 17 years without having any experience on the field of war. All of this would change very soon for Lee when he would finally set foot on the battle field in Mexico in 1846. Lee r... ...uch to defeat. Lee has had many ups and downs during military career. Because of this, people look to Robert E. Lee as a very good man. He showed loyalty, dedication, and relentless pursue for victory. He truly is a person that you can model your life after and learn some valuable life lessons from him. His courageous and brave lifestyle should be recognized as a prominent figure in United States history. Lee taught people what it meant to be a true American dedicated to make this nation be as good as it can be. He also faced many tough decisions in war whether it was to attack, retreat, or to surrender. Although people make tough decision every day of their life, they don’t compare to the decisions that Lee had to make. Lee’s decisions lead to the death of soldiers in a winning or losing effort. Also his decisions made an impact on the United States. Essay -- Brady Fletcher Mrs. Stone Advanced English III 12. Dec. 2013 Robert E. Lee America has had many people that have made a positive difference to this nation by showing perseverance and putting others first for the greater good for the cause. People from low levels of society and from high levels of society have contributed to change this to become great. Robert E. Lee and his family did not enjoy fantastic wealth (â€Å"American Experience†). Robert E. Lee had an impact on this nation from the military standpoint. He had many difficult choices and decisions to make, like to stay with Virginia or to lead the Union Army. Lee served his country with everything he had. He fought on the battlefield, and commanded troops to victories and defeats. Lee never complained about the situation he was in or gave up when the going got tough. How did Robert E. Lee’s successful military career affect his life and how is he considered a prominent figure in American history? Lee didn’t grow up in a real wealthy family although his family held a position in Virginia’s ruling elite. His father Henry Lee, also known as â€Å"Light-Horse Harry,† was a cavalry leader during the Revolutionary war. Like his father, Robert E. Lee also took the military route when he enrolled in the Military Academy at West Point where he rapidly grew in ranks and graduated second in his class of 1829 (â€Å"American Experience†). After graduating from West Point Lee took the job as an officer in the corps of Engineers, where he supervised and inspected the nation’s coastal defenses. Lee did this for 17 years without having any experience on the field of war. All of this would change very soon for Lee when he would finally set foot on the battle field in Mexico in 1846. Lee r... ...uch to defeat. Lee has had many ups and downs during military career. Because of this, people look to Robert E. Lee as a very good man. He showed loyalty, dedication, and relentless pursue for victory. He truly is a person that you can model your life after and learn some valuable life lessons from him. His courageous and brave lifestyle should be recognized as a prominent figure in United States history. Lee taught people what it meant to be a true American dedicated to make this nation be as good as it can be. He also faced many tough decisions in war whether it was to attack, retreat, or to surrender. Although people make tough decision every day of their life, they don’t compare to the decisions that Lee had to make. Lee’s decisions lead to the death of soldiers in a winning or losing effort. Also his decisions made an impact on the United States.

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